Signature ID by Signeasy allows users to identify that electronic signatures on signed documents were created using the Signeasy platform. It adds an extra layer of trust and authenticity to the signatures as it displays the Signeasy name and the signer’s account ID linked to their email address. An account ID is a distinctive 15-character code assigned to a user's email ID, serving as a unique identifier for that account.
Electronic Signature with Signature ID
Electronic Signature without Signature ID
Note: All the parties involved in the signature request can see the additional details of the Signature ID on their audit trail.
How to enable Signature ID
Click on your account name in the top right corner.
Select Account and Settings from the drop-down menu
Click on Preferences from the left menu
Scroll down to the Signature setting option
Turn on the option to Display Signature ID next to your signature
Once enabled, the Signature ID will appear below the electronic signature, alongside the Signeasy name and the signer’s account ID, while signing a document.
How do I send a signature request with the Signature ID enabled?
To request a signature with Signature ID, first enable the Display Signature ID in your settings (check the steps above).
Once this feature is turned on, Signature ID will automatically be enabled for all signature requests you send. The Signature ID will appear below the signer’s signature on the document once they have signed it.
Note: While sending out signature requests, it will always be the sender who decides whether the signer should include their signature with a unique ID or not based on the preference they have updated in their settings.
How do I self-sign a document with Signature ID enabled?
To self-sign a document with Signature ID, first enable the Display Signature ID in your settings (check the steps above).
Once this feature is turned on, Signature ID will automatically be enabled for all the documents you sign. When you sign the document, Signeasy name, and your account ID will be displayed below your signature.
How to disable Signature ID?
You can turn off the Signature ID options from the Preferences settings.
Click on your account name in the top right corner.
Select Account and Settings from the drop-down menu
Click on Preferences from the left menu
Scroll down to the Signature setting option
Turn off the option to display Signature ID next to your signature
Enabling the Signature ID is easy, and it can be used both when sending a signature request and self-signing a document. If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out to our support team.
Note: This feature is currently supported only on the Web Business Plus plan
Coming soon on iOS and Android
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